Using Consent Forward Practices to Build a Safer and More Collaborative Rehearsal Process

February 9, 2023 from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Speaker: Christine Hellman

In this workshop, participants will discuss and practice multiple ways to build a consent forward rehearsal process. Many individual artists are learning more tools around consent, and self advocacy. In this workshop, directors and stage managers will have the opportunity to learn how to better support their team and create a truly collaborative space.

Christine Hellman is a certified Lucid Body teacher, actor, intimacy coach, and certified yoga instructor. She also is the Co-creator of Misery is Optional with Dewey-Scott Wiley. She has been working with theatres across North and South Carolina to bring a non judgmental, curious, and empathetic approach to the rooms that artists collaborate in. Christine is grateful to be back with everyone in person this year!