MTI Finalists Announcement

MTI Finalists Announcement KCACTF Region IV is pleased to announce the following finalists in the Festival 57 Musical Theatre Initiative competition: John Alloway Manuella Guerra Cana Mary Elizabeth Johnson Reese LemasterGarrett McCord Evelyn Ruff Joseph Trewin Sienna Weir Congratulations to all!

Irene Ryan Semifinalist Announcement

Irene Ryan Semifinalist Announcement KCACTF Region IV is pleased to announce the following semi-finalists for the Irene Ryan Acting competition: Spencer SaluskyAleena YeeSeania BurnettJoseph FieldsSeth RodivichJay RussellBailey Dorflinger-SleeDelany BirdAnna FanningJakyia BarnesNathaniel GrishamJohn AllowayD’Kameron EdmunsonLyric DukesLondon McAlpineOlivia AdamsLiz OwensJadine Holman Symone Spencer Samantha Venable Ezra Lanphere Gabby Burton Garrett McCord Mayra Gay Dee Slade Garrison York […]