Call For Applications For Region IV KCACTF Musical Theatre Initiative (MTI) Deputy Coordinator

The duties and responsibilities of the MTI (Musical Theatre Initiative) Deputy Coordinator involve: assistance in festival planning and coordination of events at the regional festival, recruiting respondents and selectors, finding sponsorships, attendance at region meetings (either on Zoom or in person), attendance at the regional festival, transportation of invited guests during festival weeks, and other duties as needed.
This position’s term of service will begin as soon as the selected candidate is vetted.
Candidates for this position must have at least a part-time affiliation with an accredited institution of post-secondary education in the appropriate region at the time when their term begins.
Should the employment status of a sitting regional officer change during their term (loss of job/resignation/changing to a job in a different region, etc.) their eligibility to continue and complete their term as deputy (and a contingency plan should they not continue) shall be determined by regional leadership.
Interested individuals should submit an application packed to the regional chair. The packet should include:
A. A letter from the nominee which will include:
1. Their willingness to attend their KCACTF regional festival.
2. Their willingness to attend KCACTF Committee meetings.
3. The support of their home institution.
4. Their expertise in the area for which they are nominated.
5. A statement that they have read and will follow the most recent KCACTF Handbook.
B. The nominee’s vitae which will include evidence of:
1. Their training,
2. Their administrative and artistic experience.
3. Their knowledge of and exposure to a wide range of dramatic literature and production styles.
4. Their expertise in the area for which they are nominated.
C. A letter from the nominee’s department chair, dean or direct supervisor offering support from their home institution.
D. At least two letters of recommendation from those who are familiar with the nominee’s work as a creative artist and evaluator.
E. The applicant will be presented to regional leadership for vetting and final approval no later than November 2024.
Completed Application Packets should be sent electronically to Belinda Boyd and Lee Neibert at by October 15, 2024.
This position’s term of service will begin as soon as the selected candidate is vetted.