Stage Management Awards

SM Poster

KCACTF Region IV is pleased to announce the following award recipients for their achievements in stage management:


AwardNameSchoolShow Title
Region IV Stage Management Fellowship AwardVan HernandezUniversity of Central FloridaRent
Region IV Stage Management Honorable MentionAshleigh PonderUniversity of South Carolina – AikenClue
Region IV Recognition of Achievement in Stage ManagementGracie LynchMiddle Tenneseee State UniversityShe Loves Me
Region IV Recognition of Achievement in Stage ManagementSavannah SpanglerEast Tennesee State UniversityThe Moors
Region IV Recognition of Achievement in Stage ManagementAnnalee WeydertUniversity of Central FloridaRhinoceros
Region IV Stage Management Award For Outstanding Support of Intimacy WorkMary McDermottUniversity of Central FloridaThe Clean House
Region IV Stage Management Award For Excellence in Devised TheatreElizabeth McDermottUniversity of Central FloridaDaring to Dream
Region IV Heart of the Art in Stage ManagementEm HackneyUniversity of West GeorgiaToxic Avenger
Region IV Ingenuity in Stage ManagementHannah SappiaAnderson UniversitySound of Music