Call For Applications For Region IV Dramaturgy Deputy Coordinator

The main responsibility of the Dramaturgy Coordinator is to spearhead efforts to expand knowledge of and access to dramaturgy for students in our region, offering support for students who are already engaged in dramaturgy, and promoting awareness of the field to those who do not have the option in their program. This is done through offering professional development workshops with industry professionals and faculty members, appointing and preparing respondents to dramaturgy submissions for the regional dramaturgy award, and work on new play development.   


This position’s term of service will begin as soon as the selected candidate is vetted.

Position Responsibilities

  • Attend (virtually or in-person, as needed) planning meetings and regional board meetings   
  • Assist in recruiting guest artists and presenters   
  • Collaborate with the Regional Board to ensure just and equitable practices in programming, recruiting of guest artists and response to and celebration of student work   
  • Respond to at least one student production per semester   
  • Attend the annual Regional Festival typically held in the first week of February   
  • Assist in the planning and coordinating of Dramaturgy Festival Events   
  • Communicate with students, faculty and guest artists prior to and during the Festival   
  • Candidates should have at least a part-time affiliation with an institution of higher learning.   
  • Candidates should have demonstrated experience in the field of Dramaturgy, literary criticism or a closely related field   


Dramaturgy Deputy Coordinator

  • The Deputy Dramaturgy Coordinator will serve alongside the Dramaturgy Coordinator to learn the position and assist with all the responsibilities listed above. 
  • Term of Service: Typically, a term of at least 3 years 
  • Will take over the position of Dramaturgy Coordinator after serving as Deputy  


To apply please send a letter of intent and a full CV to Belinda Boyd and Lee Neibert at kcactf4chair@gmail.comby July 1, 2025.