Call For Applications For Regional Co-Vice Chairs

The position of Co-Vice Chair is ultimately a six-year commitment (three years as Co-Vice Chair and three years as Co-Chair). The Co-Vice/Co-Chair model is new to Region IV but has been adopted by our National Committee and other regions across the country. The duties of the Regional Chair are many so adding Co-Vice and Co-Chair positions was adopted to assist in carrying the workload and to provide additional regional leadership opportunities for theatre faculty across the Southeast. The Co-Vice Chairs also learn the position of chair, preparing them to assume leadership at the end of the Co-Vice Chair term.

The duties and responsibilities of the Co-Vice Chair involve service on the Regional Executive Committee and in support of the Regional Co-Chairs. 


This position’s term of service will begin as soon as the selected candidate is vetted.

From the KCACTF Handbook 2016 revision:


Candidates for regional office must have at least a part-time affiliation with an accredited institution of post-secondary education in the appropriate region at the time when their term as a regional officer begins.  Candidates for chair (co-chair), NPP and DTM offices must successfully complete a term as vice chair in the appropriate region unless extenuating circumstances prompt the National Executive Committee to grant a waiver or exception to this rule.

Should the employment status of a sitting regional officer change during their term (loss of job/resignation/changing to a job in a different region, etc.) their eligibility to continue and complete their term as a regional officer (and a contingency plan should they not continue) shall be determined by the National Executive Committee, in consultation with the regional leadership.


Nominations for office shall be submitted by the regional chair to the National Executive Committee for approval. Nominations shall consist of a complete nomination packet delivered to the national chair two weeks prior to a National Executive Committee meeting.   From the KCACTF Handbook 2016 revision, a nomination packet shall consist of the following materials:

  1. A letter from the nominee which will include
  2. Their willingness to attend their KCACTF regional festival,
  3. Their willingness to attend KCACTF Committee meetings,

iii.         The support of their home institution,

  1. Their expertise in the area for which they are nominated;
  2. A statement that they have read and will follow the most recent KCACTF Handbook.
  1. The nominee’s vitae which will include evidence of
  2. Their training,
  3. Their administrative and artistic experience,

iii.         Their knowledge of and exposure to a wide range of dramatic literature and production styles,

  1. Their expertise in the area for which they are nominated.
  1. A letter from the nominee’s department chair, dean or direct supervisor offering support from their home institution.
  2. At least two letters of recommendation from those who are familiar with the nominee’s work as a creative artist and evaluator.
  3. An oral explication by the Regional Chair to the Executive Committee of the nominee’s appropriateness for the office, including, but not limited to:
  4. The administrative ability of the individual in dealing with people,
  5. The ability to manage money,

iii.         Rapport with faculty within the region,

  1. Indication of the nominee’s past involvement with KCACTF,
  2. Their activities as a production respondent,
  3. Their expertise in the area for which they are nominated;

Completed Application Packets for Co-Vice Chair should be sent electronically to Belinda Boyd and Lee Neibert at by July 1, 2025.

In the first three-years as Co-Vice Chairs, duties specific to the administration of the region will be assigned to each Vice Chair and the overall process of planning for upcoming regional festivals and the overall maintenance of Region IV KCATF will be learned.


This is an excellent opportunity to provide significant professional leadership service to a national organization and provides the opportunity to network and connect with other theatre artists and faculty across the country.


Any question about the application process should be addressed to:


Belinda Boyd and Lee Neibert, Chair Region IV, KCACTF