The students who participated in Festival 52 in Spartanburg were all amazingly talented people, with energy, commitment, and passion!
Here are the students who were recognized at our festival for outstanding work:
Acting And Directing Awards
Musical Theatre Initiative National Award Recipient
Caleb Mitchell
Society of Directors and Choreographers Fellows – National Award Recipient
Ana Zambrana
Irene Ryans Scholarship – National Award Recipient
Tyler Tate
Regional Scholarship Runner-up
Xavier Harris
Marvin Sims Diversity Award
Sydney Keys
Classical Acting Award
Jermain Van Buren Jr.
SETC Comedic Acting Award
Lauren Phillips
SETC Partner Award
Moses Williams
Robinson J. Cyprian
NNPN Ten Minute Play – Best Director
Lindsey Neville
Design / Tech / Management Awards
Stage Management National Recipient
Kendall Vega
Scenic Design National Recipient
Laura Swarner
Costume Design National Recipient
Sophie Carlick
Lighting Design National Recipient
Katy Baronich
Sound Design National Recipient
Tiffany Nabors
Allied Tech National Recipient
Meagan Bihn
Vectorworks Awardee
Kendall Clark
Legacy Award Winner
Rachel Pantangan
ASPIRE National Recipient
Bryce Hargrove
Heart of the Arts Award for New Technical and Design Students
Sarah Slagle
Playwriting Awards
David L. Shelton Full Length Play Award: (also NAPAT)
The Love Code, Kate Leslie, Hollins University
David L. Shelton Full Length Play First Alternate: (also NAPAT First Alternate)
Legend City, Justin Rayna, East Tennessee State University
John Cauble One Act Plays: (Invited back for next year’s festival)
The Waves, Cayson Miles, University of Southern Mississippi
Triggered, John Norton, University of Central Florida
Gary Garrison Ten Minute Plays: (Entered into the National selection process)
The Houseplant Could Die… or Not, Kristen Karem, University of Kentucky
The Unhappiest State, John Norton, University of Central Florida
David Mark Cohen – nominate for National Festival: (top produced new play)
The Lady Demands Satisfaction, Arthur M. Jolly