Workshop: An Introduction to Laban Into Voice

February 10, 2023 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm

Speaker: Colleen Conroy

This workshop is an introduction into using “Laban efforts” to influence vocalization organically. We will introduce the work of movement analysis pioneer Rudolf Laban and explore how the use of various combinations of movement expression of “weight, space, and time” can be applied vocally. We will blend the physical and vocal towards organic vocal expression.

Colleen Conroy is an assistant professor of voice and acting at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and earned a BA in acting and an MFA in voice studies from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London, England. Colleen’s teaching/coaching experience includes the University of Connecticut, Connecticut Repertory Theatre, University Theatre, and Margaret H’ Doubler Performance Space. Current research and teaching interests include the application of Laban efforts in an integrative approach to actor training, verbatim theatre, and applying theatre arts voice techniques to gender affirming voice training.